Human Rights Watch Urges New President Joseph Aoun to Tackle Corruption and Governance Issues

Human Rights Watch urges Lebanon's new President Joseph Aoun to prioritize judicial independence and combat corruption after a lengthy political stalemate.

On Friday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) sent a clear message to Joseph Aoun, Lebanon’s newly elected president, urging him to take immediate action on several critical fronts.

They emphasized the importance of judicial independence, greater government transparency, and a vigorous fight against corruption.

Aoun’s election marks a pivotal moment, as it effectively ends a two-year political impasse that had left Lebanon in a state of governance paralysis.

Call to Action from Human Rights Watch

HRW’s call to action includes the establishment of a judicial independence law that meets global standards, along with urgent measures to broaden transparency within government operations.

Moreover, tackling corruption is vital, particularly when it comes to holding accountable those responsible for the horrific Beirut port explosions in 2020 and the war crimes that marred the 2024 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Controversies Surrounding the Election

However, the election of Joseph Aoun hasn’t been without its controversies.

Critics argue that it may clash with Article 49 of Lebanon’s Constitution, which prohibits individuals currently in public office—from parliament members to ministers—from assuming the presidency.

Since Michel Aoun left office on October 31, 2022, the Lebanese parliament has struggled to find a successor, with divisions among ruling party members leading to a prolonged stalemate.

This situation persisted until Thursday, when Joseph Aoun garnered significant support and was ultimately elected.

International Reactions and Impacts

According to the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, the recent breakthrough in this electoral deadlock can be attributed to mounting pressure from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, alongside a noticeable decline in Hezbollah’s parliamentary strength following their recent skirmishes with Israel.

President Biden has already congratulated Aoun, expressing that the Lebanese people have voiced their desire for a future characterized by peace, security, sovereignty, and revitalization through their democratic choice.

Source: Jurist